From our blog

Who owns your data?
Who owns your data?
 Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash Arguments over what data should be allowed to be used for training...
AI and Ed: pitfalls but encouraging signs
AI and Ed: pitfalls but encouraging signs
 Joahna Kuiper / Better Images of AI / Little data houses / CC-BY 4.0 In August I became hopeful that...
Pedagogical Approaches and Google NotebookLM
Pedagogical Approaches and Google NotebookLM
  Some ten or so years ago myself and Jenny Hughes were commissioned by Lifelong Learning UK to produce...
The AI Assessment Scale
The AI Assessment Scale
  I don’t know quite how I have managed to miss this up to now. The AI Assessment Scale (AIAS)...
AI: education and learning are not the same thing
AI: education and learning are not the same thing
 Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / Ai is… Banner / CC-BY 4.0 As the debate rolls on about the...

Project events

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Project news

ecer bild
Presentations at the ECER conference about AI and other topics
This year’s European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) took place from 27-30 August in...
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The Third Project Newsletter is Here!
In this newsletter, we aim to give an overview of what the project team has achieved and delivered during...
Recording of the session "AI and the Future of Adult Education and VET" is available now!
We are happy to share that the recording of the “AI and the Future of Adult Education and VET”...
Join AIPioneers' webinar on EDEN EODLW 2023
6-10 November 2023, EDEN is hosting the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) themed Education...
Insights from the AI in Education Survey for AI Pioneers project
The project’s goals span from formulating AI policy recommendations and ethical use guidelines...

Project outcomes

European Reference Network of AI Pioneers

A sustainable network of leading teachers and trainers, educational planners, stakeholders and policy makers in European countries in the use of AI in education and training

Supplement to European DigCompEdu Framework

Identify new skills and competences required by teachers and trainers for the use of AI for teaching and learning as a supplement to the DigCompEdu European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators.

Tools and Resources

To identify best practices in about the use of AI in education. To develop tools and resources on the use of AI for teaching and learning in VET and Adult Education. To develop tools and resources on AI as a subject for teaching and learning.

Ethics and Policy

To research, develop and consult on policies and protocols for the use of AI in Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. To develop a Guide to ethical practices for the use of AI in education and Training in Europe

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.